Thursday, 30 July 2015

The cats that came to tea...

They may be tabbies but they're, thankfully, not tigers... Although PJ (pale tabby) may disagree - she seems to think quite highly of herself and her claws most of the time!

I kept my distance and took a few photos with my Nikon D5200 - it's been too long since I've really done any photography, I'm glad I got something nice to photograph this evening :)

 They make a lovely pair.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

So I got a summer job...

I did not realise how time-consuming a summer job could be but, thankfully for my bank account and CV, I was able to start a relevant and well-paid job a few weeks ago. I've been helping out the marketing team of my dad's company reformat some of their old literature.
It's been great! But also exhausting and quite a bit of art got put on hold....

However, despite being tired from work I've been able to do a few small things. One of the things I've done is an illustration for Loughborough students' magazine - Label. It's just four simple sketches to be used in a facebook cover photo for the section, but it was good to do something as simple as sketching I think.

Honestly... It took ages to finish those sound waves and I regretted choosing to draw that when I got about a third of the way through meticulously drawing those tiny little rectangles!!