Thursday, 1 October 2015

First Year - Graphic Communication and Illustration

Finally back at Loughborough to study Graphic Communication and Illustration (aka Viscom or GC&I)!
I'm sincerely looking forward to the course and our first project is based around typography - boring to some, but I enjoy it :) It is a group project which is intense for a first project - especially as the turnaround is one week and we have to produce a typography matrix by the end...
However I am content with my group (aside from one member who we couldn't identify for 3 days of searching as he was determined not to be found.... we have him now though thankfully!)

For our first day of studio work though we were given very simple tasks of; draw a page of circles, draw a page of triangles and squares, draw letters, and draw a full upper and lower case alphabet...

(they never specified the english alphabet so I used Greek)

So I Work Freelance Now...

It's been a long while since I've had much of anything to post but to end my summer holiday I have been sent a couple of photos from Linguamatics' recruiting at Agile Cambridge - using my posters, fliers and cupcake decoration designs :)

I hope they get a good response!

I am continuing to work for Linguamatics on a freelance basis so I can hopefully do some projects around my uni work! It's definitely nicer being able to work from bed than sitting in an office all day...